MAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION Adult Education Program. Training program for the school drop-outs. Literacy promotion program for the neo-literate. Vocational training program for the school drop-outs women. Capacity building programs for the SHGs of women. Skill formation program for the poor women Micro-economic Enterprise Development Program Legal Literacy & Aid Program Organizing the poor women through SHGs. Protecting the rights Watershed management program. Training program for the marginal farmers on improved farm practices. Training program for the Farmersā on bio-farming & bio-pest management. Consumer Welfare Program Horticultural & Fishery Development Program. Community-based Health Care Program. Reproductive & Child Health Care Program. Awareness Program on safe drinking water. Targeted intervention program on STDs/HIV/AIDs for the female sex workers. Yoga & Naturopathy Awareness Program. Environmental Protection Program.